Law School Committee

The Committee’s goal is instituting programming at Marquette Law School and University of Wisconsin Law School to allow students exposure to litigation, specifically insurance defense work. The Committee’s activities include developing relationships and coordinating with faculty from each law school to develop presentation opportunities on various topics of interest to students. The ultimate goal of the Committee is to increase law students’ exposure to the practice through educational programming and networking with members of the Wisconsin insurance defense bar.

Co-Chair: John Pinzl
von Briesen & Roper, S.C.
[email protected] 

Co-Chair: Brad Markvart 
American Family Insurance Co.
[email protected]

Committee Members

Brian Anderson, Everson, Whitney, Everson & Brehm, S.C.
Sean Bukowski, Meissner, Tierney, Fisher & Nichols, S.C.
Kristine Burck, Wisconsin Mutual Insurance
Matthew Granitz, Borgelt, Powell, Peterson & Frauen, S.C.
Andrew Hebl, Boardman & Clark LLP
Beau Krueger, Nash, Spingler, Grimstad & McCracken
Megan McKenzie, American Family Insurance Co.
Madeline Weston, Borgelt, Powell, Peterson & Frauen, S.C.
Brian Williams, Davczyk & Varline, LLC


For committee involvement, please contact [email protected]